We continuously monitor outages, slowdowns, and other issues. Should there be any interruptions in service, we'll provide status updates here.
As our investigation into the incident is complete, we would like to provide you with more detailed information about the incident that occurred on January 23, between 3:33 PM (CET) and 4:33 PM (CET).
On January 23, between 3:33 PM (CET) and 4:33 PM (CET), users encountered difficulties with the search function, which also affected related features such as the employee directory, @-mentions, and post statistics. The issue was identified and resolved after the full synchronization of user collections was completed.
What happened
Due to an update that was implemented, the search indexing process failed. The issue was resolved by reversing the update and completing the full synchronization.
During the mentioned period, all users on the German server experienced difficulties accessing the employee directory and using @-mentions, while the administrators encountered issues using the post statistics.
Future improvements
We will implement additional checks to ensure all functionalities remain stable during system adjustments, and we will continue improving our processes to prevent such occurrences.
Thank you for your patience and understanding while we work to improve our services and prevent future incidents. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to our customer support team at support@staffbase.com.